The Mustard Menace

You're probably asking yourself, 'Why do we need another condiment themed super hero?'
I'm no hero.

Blog to your Mother!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

What's up children? It's the Menace here. Giving it to you straight. I'll tell you what though. It's a tough world out there. I mean look at me. I know I don't have a lot to complain about, but looks aren't everything and money can't buy you friends.

That's right I'm talking about the future. I got to thinking about my future and here's what I came up with.
I'm going to die.
It's morbid but true, and the sooner you get used to the idea the more realistic you can be about your future. Since death is the last thing I'm going to do in this life, I decide to make a list of things to do before I die. I know this is blowing your mind right now because you've never heard this kind of defeatist attitude before. This is not a list I write once and never edit. It is going to grow with time and maturity just like a flower. It will eventually die because I won't pay enough attention to it just like a flower. But in the mean time it should prove to be a rather useful tool to get my butt in gear.

So without further ado, the first thing I want to do before I die is go back to school and get at least a Masters in Computer Science. I'm applying to some schools in New Zealand (I'll try to explain why later). New Zealand doesn't require the GRE like they do in the states so I'm applying there first but I'm also gonna prep for the GRE to apply to some schools in the states later. I'll be documenting my GRE prep journey on this blog. So stay tuned and get out some number 2 pencils and maybe you'll learn something.


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