Yoga, yoga, yoga...
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Our instructor, Patti Cagne, is tan and petite in her late thirties or early forties. She doesn't smell like patchouli, wear all hemp clothing or burn incense (at least not yet). But, her aloofness reminded us all that she is first and foremost a hippie and did lots of drugs.
The class is made up of the usual characters. The kiss-ass girl up front who's taken yoga before and already bought the book and brought it to class. The chatty girl in back who's wrist recently had surgery (note to self: don't take yoga after wrist surgery). The only other guy in the class and his fag hag. Mostly it's fat girls who think yoga is gonna help them lose weight. According to Legolas, our yoga assistant, yoga will raise your internal temperature and thus burn calories so maybe you're in luck girls.
My attitude sounds slightly contemptuous and for that I apologize. I am actually very excited about learning yoga and getting all the flexibility and circulation benefits. I would like to become stronger and be more balanced. Legolas assured me that I would achieve all these things.