The Mustard Menace

You're probably asking yourself, 'Why do we need another condiment themed super hero?'
I'm no hero.

Today was a good day on the Internet

Friday, October 06, 2006

It wasn't actually today, but recently I had a very good day on the internet. I decided that all you noobs need a lesson on navigating the information super highway. After all it is a series of tubes.

Start here. Then read this, skim this, then read this and then finish with this.

In order to laugh at this you don't have to have seen Uwe Boll's movies, you just have to recognize that he is funny looking and the a reason you haven't seen his movies is because they are terrible. Start here, then read this, follow with this and this, then quickly read this and end here.

Ghostbusters plus great Gizmodo writing equals absolute enjoyment.

My new favorite comedian is Demitri Martin.

The N-Gage was a Nokia "gaming phone" that you had to turn on it's side to talk like a taco. It was sort of a flop and spawned a great website that is apparently closing shop so check it out wile you can. Then read this and feel more of the Gizmodo love. Don't make stupid comments on Gizmodo or they take your ass out.


At 10/15/2006 7:38 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

when did you post this? did it show up late?

i thought n-gage would be really cool. webb even almost let me have a free ngage. We went as far as to put my sim card in it to see if it would work. It didn't. And approximately 2 days later, my phone died hardcore. Coincidence? probably. But maybe not?

At 10/16/2006 12:50 PM, Blogger K.Neugat said...

When did you add that descriptive tag line at the top of your page? I don't want to hear about your toasted buns. jk. I love all buns.

At 10/16/2006 3:55 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

do you like mustard on your buns?

At 10/17/2006 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

only the squirtable kind.


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