Can once in a lifetime happen twice?
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

As an alternative to Top Shelf Tuesday, the Greenlawn Workout Crew, after thoroughly embarrassing the other patrons of Gold's Gym on the elyptical, graced the Whole Foods on 6th with their exquisit taste and witty banter. Champagne, King Ranch Chicken, Salads, Turtle Cheese Cake and Lattes were had. "What a delightful evening," you might say. Then I would say, "Quite."
"Plenty of hot boys!" Kendra remarked before she admitted she would be coming by everyday from here on out. The patio was a buzz with Austin slackers. Some were on dates. Others were enjoying the rare sub eighty degree weather. Still others were scaring the diners by riding around on a bicycle inspecting all the trash cans with a flash light. "I know it's dark out here dude, but I'm pretty sure it's just trash in there." Luckily we avoided direct confrontation with flash light bycicle man because the trash cans right next to us were burried in the small rock bench and it wasn't readily apparent what they were.
We soon realized the purpose of the recepticles and began disposing of our refuse. I, being the closest, was commanded by Kate, "Throw away my salad!" I'm afraid of Kate so I obliged her. Suddenly without anyone comprehending what was about to happen, the planets aligned. Lisa turned to me, handed me the half eaten boxed caeser and audibly stumbled, "Can you toss.. my salad?" It was pure serendipity, except without the pair of gloves, or a ten dollar bill or Jeremy Piven. God, I really need to start watching Entourage.